You’ve probably seen that thing they pass around the internet from time to time about being busy all day and getting nothing done. Each task begun required going somewhere to get something required to complete it and once there came across a reminder for something else that needed doing. But that something also required going on the hunt and so it went, all day and you ended up spending the day chasing your tail. Well, I’ve been there, done that, but today was different.
Over the last couple weeks, months if I get right down to it, there have been a number of things that had to get done before I could devote myself to completing the book currently in progress. A trip to New York, a meeting in Palatka, another in Jacksonville, dentist appointments, line edits for the book coming out next month, and so it went. But this week was going to be different. IS going to be different. Once I get this blog posted.
I got up this morning with the idea in my head that it was Monday. A brand new day with nothing that needed doing. A brand new week without a single appointment, meeting, or errand. I even have enough food in the house that a trip to the grocery store is not required. I am going to get soooo much done. I can’t wait.

Except I did have to wait. The usual morning chores like walking the dog, making myself some breakfast and taking my shower came first. And that was where the trouble began. I replaced my smoke detector a few months back and apparently it’s a lot more sensitive than the old one. Being the only one in the house, leaving the bathroom door open when I shower is standard. But this morning, I’m luxuriating in the steamy flow of water when the smoke alarm goes off. Or was it the carbon dioxide one? I turn the water off and grab my towel to investigate. It’s not the CO which is a relief. I really didn’t want to run outdoors dripping wet with nothing but a towel around me. And there is no smoke. Only excessive steam from that lengthy shower. Which wasn’t done yet, my hair hadn’t been rinsed. I pressed re-set and went back to finish the job.
Once dressed, I climbed up to check on the detector which was now beeping three short beeps every two minutes or so. I tried waving a magazine in front of the sensor. No change. I got a stool and took it down, hunted down the hair dryer which gets used for everything BUT drying hair to see if a little warm air would dry the condensate out of it. That seemed to do the trick. But before I got to that point, I’d rummaged through my “stuff” drawer looking for the instruction manual that came with it. Now I had to sort through all the “stuff” I’d hauled out of the drawer and spread across the counter. Might as well sort and toss things that didn’t need keeping. Good, that’s done. Now for breakfast.
I carried my breakfast to my desk figuring I’d check my email while I ate. And there on the desk, on top of the keyboard where I couldn’t miss it was a reminder to call about my car insurance. Drat!
I could just write a check to the old company, but I’d gotten a couple quotes a few months back that were better. Two weeks ago, I’d called my old company to give them an opportunity to meet those better quotes, but they had never called me back. I grabbed the file and started calling. I’ve got a new company now at a tidy savings. But to save an additional bit, I have to go online and complete a defensive driving study unit. I set up my online account, got the money transferred from my savings account to pay for the annual premium. And while I was at it, had to call the bank because I also have a new computer and the bank didn’t recognize the new equipment and the one-time code to register the new computer didn’t work. Another chunk of my day disappeared.
By the time all was said and done, it was way past lunch. In fact, it’s now half way through the afternoon. A quarter to four, in fact. Where did my pristine day that lay before me like a blanket of fresh fallen snow go? At least I can say I accomplished something! I put fresh batteries in the smoke detector, cleaned out the “stuff” drawer, paid two bills and registered my new computer, and my car is insured for another year. Now it’s time to walk the dog again. Maybe tomorrow?