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Blogging By the Sea
Tuesday, March 31 2015


While I won’t deny that I really would enjoy having a significant other around who stands on two feet and doesn’t leave clouds of hair everywhere, I am fortunate to have Mr. Sociable sharing my life. He wears a fur coat year round, gives sloppy kisses and has put himself in charge of my at-home social life.

We live on a corner, and because the beach is just a few yards away, lots of folk pass by our deck


on their way to the water. And MacDuff, who loves people and thoroughly enjoys saying hello to everyone is in his element. He barks to tell me when another dog is passing by and if there wasn’t a fence around the yard, he’d be right out there to greet them all with a thorough sniff and a wag or two. But when human friends happen by he immediately hunts for one of his toys, which he must have in his mouth before he can greet anyone of importance who stops to say hi.

At first this was just his thing. If he was inside, he'd sit looking out making urgent wuffing sounds to be let out. And if he was already out, he'd stand under the window in front of my desk muttering the same urgent summons to tell me he must come in to get a toy.  So, I get up to let him in, he dashes to his toy basket, chooses the first one he sees and hustles back out to greet whatever friend is waiting for him. But somewhere along the line, just getting his toy wasn’t enough. He decided that I needed to be included in the social encounter so I wouldn’t miss all the fun. If I ever had an inclination to be a hermit, I’d have to rehome the mutt because he’s quite insistent that I talk to every friend we have, every time they show up. Which in a couple cases is more than once a day.


I have to admit, the interruptions are a good thing. At first, when he came in to repeatedly nudge my hand making it impossible to continue typing, I was reluctant to leave my story lest I lose my train of thought. But I’ve come to enjoy my several times daily visits over the fence, chatting about everything from the weather to grandkids to great books we are reading and any other topic of the day. Once MacDuff has ensured that I am out and engaged and he’s gotten his ears scratched, Mr. Sociable goes to lay down, satisfied that he’s done his job.

I live alone, but thanks to MacDuff, I am never really alone. Writing is a lonely pursuit, but MacDuff sees to it that I don’t take that too far. As I finished typing this blog post, I looked up and there he was, sitting under my window looking at me. There was no one outside to visit at the moment. He just wanted me to come out to toss his toy and play keep-away for a bit. He wouldn’t mind a few pats while I’m there either, and I get off my duff to enjoy a few moments in the fresh air and sunshine. What more could one want? 


Posted by: Skye AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  4 Comments  |  Email
I love Duff. In part because he looks exactly like my dear departed Sasha, who was also a flat-coated, black retriever, but mainly for his socialbility and affection. I can't think of anyone else who would prove to be such an asset to your life. Go, Duff!
Posted by Elizabeth Sinclair on 03/31/2015 - 11:59 AM
Give him a hug for me. I miss you Duffy.
Posted by Bobbi on 03/31/2015 - 12:06 PM
Skye, this is lovely. MacDuff is beautiful, inside and out. I am in your boat, sans the canine companion after my own sweet girl passed at 15 three years ago. I'm finally coming to grips with that particular hole in my life, and actively looking to fill it. Your post makes me all the more certain! Must. Have. Dog.
Posted by Justine Davis on 03/31/2015 - 12:31 PM
Skye, your MacDuff sounds like a real sweetheart. I'm sure you treasure his company. Love the photos! I truly miss our black Lab, Blackie (original, huh?) and English Springer Spaniel, Prince Laddie Boy. We had them both for 14 years.
Posted by Loralee Lillibridge on 03/31/2015 - 03:42 PM

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    St Augustine, Florida

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