Sunset last night - looking east! Who says all the color is in the west when the sun goes down?
And here it is, Saturday again. I had a really interesting meeting scheduled for this morning, but made the mistake of picking up my book as I slid into bed last night. It's my habit to read a bit before falling asleep and it's usually just that, a page or three, maybe even a whole chapter. But alas, that was not the case last night. The plot thickened and before I knew it, the clock read 1:45 am. I turned my Kindle off and settled in to sleep. But turning off the Kindle proved a lot easier than turning off my brain which insisted on churning away in half a dozen directions. Gary Ponzo has a lost night of sleep to answer for, or rather his character, Nick Bracco does. The last time I looked at the clock it was after 4 am. I woke with just barely time to get to the meeting had I hustled a bit, but my brain was so drugged, I wouldn't have retained anything I heard so I soaked for way too long in the shower and chugged about a quart of caffeine instead. Now I'm wondering what project I should get focused on - sewing? My table has a whole pile of material waiting to be transformed into garments. Organizing? I have stacks of stuff to get ready for the conference I'm running next weekend. Writing? My hero and heroine are anxious for me to fix their problems. Or I could just go for a walk on the beach. It's a gorgeous fall day out there! Have a good one . . .whatever you choose to do. As for me, I think I'll check out the beach, then work on the book.