Hi folks, It's Michael Bear here again. I promised you an interview with Jake Cameron - that handsome fella that lives next door to the old Jolee place that Zoe Callahan just bought. Poor guy is living in a houseful of females and here comes Zoe - just what he needs, another woman in his life! But he's a good guy with broad shoulders, and you'll just have to read FALLING FOR ZOE to find out how he makes out. (Available by April 5th on Amazon.com and other sites, including this one.)
Hi Jake Cameron, welcome to Blogging on the Beach. Our readers met your new neighbor the other day so now it's your turn to tell us a little about yourself.
Jake: The name’s Jake Cameron. I’m 34, single again, although I didn't choose to be, and I have three little girls. Well, one of them isn’t so little. She’s 15 going on 21 and it scares the bejeesus out of me. I want to protect her forever, but I’m beginning to realize I can’t and it’s killing me. She’s my little girl, you know? And there’s the twins. They’re five and cute as the dickens. They say the funniest things sometimes, and they always make me smile. I don’t know what life would be like without my girls. I wanted to get a degree in Engineering, but things didn’t work out how I planned. So, I worked my way up from the bottom, and now I’m a construction site manager. I like working out of doors and the job fits. On the side I’m a volunteer fireman. Makes me feel like I’m giving someting back to my community. I’ve got one sister and three brothers. My parents live over on the island and I’m lucky to have such a great family that’s always been there for me. I like kayaking on the sound and fishing, but don’t get much time for either. I didn’t do much to deserve it, but I’m a pretty lucky guy.
Michael: Is there anything your creator doesn’t know about you?
Jake: Yeah, there’s probably a lot she doesn’t know about me. After all, I’m a guy and she’s not. There are guy things women just don’t get. But the biggest thing? I guess that would have to be that scene she wrote where I confessed to seducing Marsha Jolee. I did a lot of dumb things back then, but one thing my mom and dad insisted on was whatever else I did, I was going to be a gentleman. So, I let everyone believe it was me that conned Marsha into sneaking off into the bleachers for a little necking party instead of the other way around. Anyway, one thing led to another, and she got pregnant, and that was just as much my fault as hers, but I figured if I took the heat it would go easier on her. That’s the biggest thing Skye Taylor doesn’t know about me.
Michael: If there was one thing you could change about your life, what would it be?
Jake: Well, like I said a minute ago, I should have kept my pants zipped when I was seventeen, but back then I thought I was invincible. But since then? My plans for college at UNC got shelved to be a dad, and I should have gone to night school. It always felt like I didn’t have the time what with earning a living and taking care of my family and everything. But that's one thing I regret.
Michael: When you were a kid did you have a favorite hero? Someone you wanted to grow up to be just like?
Jake: My dad was my hero. He knew everything and everyone looked up to him. Besides my mom told me he was her hero and she never told me anything that wasn’t true. He's still my hero. I just wish I was half the man he is.
Michael: Is there a movie or TV show that's a big favorite, or made a big impression on you?
Jake: Saving Private Ryan was definitely a movie that made a difference in my life. Not the movie so much as what it taught me. Back when I was in school, history wasn't my favorite subject and WWII seemed like ancient history, but this movie made me think about the things my grandfather must have lived through. He never talked about it much, but he was one of the men who went ashore on Omaha Beach on D-day. Granda was one of my heroes, too. Even more so after I saw that movie.
Michael: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live?
Jake: Right here in Tide’s Way. It’s where all my family is, except my brother, Philip, but when he comes home, this is where he comes home to. Most of my aunts and uncles live close by over in Wilmington. It's a big family, but I like it that way. I love the ocean and it’s right there where I can see it from my porch. I like knowing everyone in town. It’s a great place to bring my girls up in. I can’t imagine living anywhere else.
Michael: What advice would you like to share with your readers?
Jake: I'm the last person who should be giving anyone advice. I pretty much learned everything the hard way, making the wrong choices first and then having to live with them or work even harder to put things right. But maybe I’d tell them to keep an open mind and don’t let the mistakes you made in the past keep you from taking a chance when something good comes along. One other thing I've learned is that the only way to get past the things you’re afraid of is to face them head on.
Michael: Somehow, I don't get the feeling there's much you're afraid of. Being a volunteer fireman must take courage, more than most jobs anyway.
Jake: (chuckling) You'd be surprised how many things scare the pants off me. I just learned how to hide it. Most of the time.
Michael: Well, it's been nice chatting with you Jake. I wish you well with that sassy, sexy little package that just moved in next door. And try not to worry too much about that teenage daughter. She seems like a fine young lady.