Trusting Will, book 3 in the Camerons of Tide’s Way series is out and available at, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play and iBooks.
Will is the younger of the Cameron twins, the middle child in the family of five children. Ben (Loving Meg) has always been the serious twin: patient, conservative, and reliable. Will wants everything yesterday. Although Will is not the youngest in the family, he’s the one everyone else jokingly refers to as the grown up kid. He works just as hard as everyone else, but he plays harder. Philip plays tennis, Ben enjoys golf and Jake (Falling for Zoe) loves to explore the intercoastal waterway in his kayak when his busy life permits. Will, on the other hand, jumps out of airplanes, takes kiteboarding to its limits, and rappels down anything, the steeper and more dangerous the better. Will is a North Carolina State Trooper, rides a motorcycle on the job work and pushes himself to excel in everything he does.
When Will took over his nephew’s Cub Scout den when the former leader got transferred, he discovered he loved working with the eager young scouts, especially Sam, a boy desperately in need of a man in his life. Sam’s mother is a knockout and as soon as he discovers she’s a single mom, Will is determined to pursue her. Now, if only he could impress her as easily as he impresses Sam.
But it's little wonder that Brianna Reagan, who’s already had her heart broken by a man who put his life on the line in the service of his country, isn’t eager to get involved with another bigger-than-life, alpha kind of guy who’s willing to risk his life wearing the uniform of a law enforcement officer and seems to thrive on danger. She might have managed to keep from getting involved with Will at all if only he hadn’t turned out to be so darned good with her son, Sam. If only he didn't make her pulse race when he looked at her with interest in his eyes. If only he didn't always seem to know what she needed, even when she was in denial.
An excerpt from Trusting Will: 
Fort Benning, Georgia, three years ago
Brianna Reagan woke with a start, her heart racing, and her chest tight with apprehension. She listened for something unusual. Something unexpected. But there was nothing.
Nothing but the sound of her startled heart thrumming in her ears and her son playing in the next room.
Sam’s piping five-year-old voice issued orders to his army of tiny soldiers. He had always loved the little figures his father had given him, but since the day they’d taken Ed to the airport at the start of his most recent deployment, the little green men had become an obsession.
“Guess what, Daddy? I’m going to be a general when I grow up,” Sam announced, nodding his head in determination. “And you’re going to be really proud of me.”
“I’m real proud of you already,” Ed replied with a suspicious sheen in his bright blue eyes. He stiffened into a formal salute, then unable to maintain the distance, scooped Sam into his arms and hugged him hard before putting him back on his feet and turning to Bree.
Bree dismissed the haunting daydream abruptly, sat up and swung her feet over the side of the bed. As she reached to shut off the alarm she hadn’t needed, she stopped a moment to gaze at Ed’s photo that sat next to the clock. It was his formal military portrait, but even in that solemn pose, Ed hadn’t been able to keep the twinkle of mischief out of his eyes. Sam was a miniature of his dad. Same dark hair, same blue eyes. Same mischievous sparkle. Bree blew the portrait a kiss and slid to her feet. It was time to get Sam moving, get some breakfast into him and head off to work.
At her dresser, Bree dragged a brush through her tangled blond hair and wistfully considered the idea of cutting it. Except that Ed loved it long. She pulled it into a ponytail and worked an elastic band around its thick bulk, then leaned forward to check for new wrinkles. Twenty-seven wasn’t old, but already little lines fanned out from the corners of her dark eyes. Too much worry and stress, she thought as she reached for her robe and headed for the hall.
The solid thunk of a car door shutting out in front of their base-housing duplex halted her in her tracks. She turned and hurried to the window
Her heart froze in horrified denial.
Bree’s world telescoped into a narrow tunnel focused on the flat gray-blue tops of the dress uniform caps moving purposefully up her front walk. Desperately, Bree tried to think of any other reason two officers in dress uniforms would be coming to her door so early on a Monday morning.
But her heart already knew. There could be only one reason these men had come.
Her chest constricted in pain, and her head roared. Her eyes ached, but there were no tears. Not now. Not yet. She raised a clenched fist to her mouth, knuckles white with strain as her heart plunged into the unavoidable knowledge that her life would never be the same again.
Available at and Barnes & Noble.

Note: Short Stories, Loving Ben and Mike's Wager are free on Kindle.